“The most effective way to do it,
is to do it.”
Let’s be honest: fearless authenticity sounds noble, but it isn’t always the easiest attitude to maintain, especially in times of pressure and stress.
This is why LeadershipSOPs are so crucial: they are your Standard Operating Procedures for leading, and they provide you with the foundational habits for your leadership so that you are prepared for whatever may come your way.
Being prepared makes room for being fearlessly authentic.
By deliberately building your foundation of LeadershipSOPs, you develop a stance of readiness and agility, which allows you to show up as your best self, regardless of the situation or stimuli.
Just as first-responders and professional athletes have to practice so that their performance and skills become instinctive, we too need to train so that when the time comes, our muscle memory kicks in and we just lead.
Through our Leadership Development programs, we work with you to determine and establish your own SOPs. We don't use simulations or case studies because we don’t believe they provide the type of value you need. Instead, we encourage you to be your own case study, using real-time, relevant examples from your own experiences so that you can determine which SOPs are right for you. The more you uncover, the more authentic your LeadershipSOPs will become…and the more fearlessly authentic you will be as a leader.
We invite you to dive in – to train, train, train – and build your own foundation to fearless authenticity.
For executive leaders to bring enterprise-wide thinking to set your organization’s performance trajectory.
“Time and time again, we have seen leadership defined as something that is pursued…. But leadership isn’t something to be pursued: it’s something to act on, now.”
– TALIA SEEHOFF, Leaderology Director of Content & Curriculum Design
LeadershipSOPs are your standard operating procedures for Structuring, Operating and Perfecting your communities of effort.
If LeadershipSOPs is the engine, fearless authenticity is the fuel.
Whether we’re coaching, providing feedback, developing our teams or leading through change, the more fearlessly authentic we show up with our people, the more they are going to reflect that fearless authenticity back to us. As that relationship equity increases, we will begin to see a high-performing team with greater levels of collaboration, trust, understanding and success. As you lead from a more fearlessly authentic place, you will begin to build a more positive and sustainable leadership legacy.
This is all about the structure of the organization: its work roles, methods and reward mechanisms. Why does this community of effort exist? What objectives and strategies is it pursuing? What structure would best enable the pursuit of those strategies and realities of daily work?
It’s not enough to visualize and design a community of effort: it must also be engaged. This involves establishing the required planning, accountability and stakeholder engagement mechanisms to get the job done.
Yesterday’s success is today’s standard and tomorrow’s failure. No effort is truly sustainable without instituting frequent and continuous individual, team and organizational improvement processes. It’s not about moving the finish line – it’s about realizing there isn’t one.