

Research shows what we all intuitively know to be true: supportive feedback and development is the best way to maximize a 360° assessment’s impact by ensuring that the data is transformed into action.


Peer feedback is critical to a leader in diagnosing areas of strength and opportunities for development. When coupled with coaching, that self-awareness can be translated into an effective plan for self-development.

Traditional coaching can be a months-long commitment that may be out of reach for a leader or organization. To make this resource more accessible, we have designed a trio of coaching sessions that attach to the 360° assessment, providing valuable feedback and a customized development plan.

The Precision360 assessment process provides the leader with support after their assessment via one-one-one coaching sessions, enabling the leader to

  • Process and synthesize the feedback

  • Increase self-awareness

  • Create a Professional Development Plan (PDP)

  • Receive the organization’s buy-in

These supportive coaching sessions help the leader digest the assessment’s data and begin the process of improving their leadership skills. The leader’s direct supervisor and HR business partner are invited into the process to confirm that the resulting development plan is on target, and commit to supporting the leader through their development.

Every Precision360 engagement includes:

360 Feedback Assessment
An online 360° assessment to receive feedback from boss, peers and direct reports.

Coaching Session 1
This session focuses on helping the leader navigate the above feedback by highlighting

  • The importance of each competency for success on the job

  • A comparison of scores from rating groups

  • Noteworth differences between self-rating and ratings provided by others

  • Open-ended comments for each item

  • Ranking of competencies to determine priorities for improvement

  • Development planning strategies that lead to growth

Coaching Session 2
This feedback support session between the coach and leader occurs 2 weeks after the first session and focuses on

  • Completing the leader’s development plan

  • Thinking through the needed strategies to execute on the plan

Coaching Session 3
The final support session occurs between the leader, their supervisor and the HR business partner – as well as the Leaderology coach – 3 weeks after Session 2. The purpose of this meeting is to confirm that the leader’s development plan is in line with the company’s goals and expectations, and for the invested partners to commit to supporting the leader in the execution of their plan.


Ready to dive in?

Do you have any questions about Precision 360° or are just interested in getting started? Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to answer them or talk next steps.